
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:便攜式晶體管菌落計數(shù)器Portable transistorised colony counters cc1 cc5

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:英國BURKARD
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英國Bukard Portable transistorised colony counters cc1 cc5便攜式晶體管菌落計數(shù)器
英國Bukard Portable transistorised colony counters cc1 cc5便攜式晶體管菌落計數(shù)器

Portable transistorised colony counters便攜式晶體管菌落計數(shù)器 
Portable transistorised colony counters Type CC1 and CC5
The colony counters are designed to assist with the rapid counting of large numbers of insects immersed in a conductive media, for bacterial populations, spore concentrations, nematodes and a wide range of small particles. Single and multi- counter instruments for operation from a 27 volt battery source or mains supply.
The CC5 equipped with sensitive keyboard can be switched to operate on all 5 channels independently or 4 channels and a totaliser.
菌落計數(shù)器的設(shè)計有助于快速計數(shù)大量浸在導(dǎo)電介質(zhì)中的昆蟲,用于菌落種群、孢子濃度、線蟲和各種小顆粒。單計數(shù)器和多計數(shù)器儀表,用于從27伏電池電源或電源供電。 配有靈敏鍵盤的CC5可切換至獨立操作所有5個通道或4個通道和一個累加器。

Additional information

27 volts d.c. (portable instruments); 230-250 volts 50 Hz; 110-115 volts 60 Hz
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