
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:Fluorescent ‘Cold light’ viewer熒光冷光觀察儀

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:英國BURKARD
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英國BURKARD Fluorescent ‘Cold light’ viewer熒光冷光觀察儀

英國BURKARD Fluorescent ‘Cold light’ viewer熒光冷光觀察儀

Product Description

The instrument is designed to aid close viewing work in medicine, chromatographic plates for analytical chemistry, agricultural research, counting, and teaching, and for all applications where a magnification of up to x10 is required in conjunction with an opal glass light source.

The viewing area is completely unobstructed and the magnifier may be elevated or positioned anywhere over the viewing surface. Swivel mounting enables the magnifier to be adjusted for focusing. The case is fitted with an elevating foot enabling the user to view with the screen area at a fixed angle of 10° from the horizontal. An angle section prevents items sliding off the viewing area and the horizontal position facilitates viewing and counting of particles in a media.

The instrument is fused for use on 220-240 volts a.c. 50 Hz supply and is finished in Oyster Green Hammer enamel.

Additional information

Viewing Area

25 x 25 cm

Light Source

32 watts (4 x 8 watt tubes)

Overall Dimensions

41 x 35 cm

Maximum height of magnifier from base

23 cm

Nett weight

5.9 kg


5.9 kg
Alternative magnifications available

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