
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:PDE0012型號(hào)英國Burkard手動(dòng)微量點(diǎn)滴儀

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:英國BURKARD
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英國BURKARD PDE0012型POTTER噴霧塔生測(cè)噴霧塔采用國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的化學(xué)噴霧方法,用于有機(jī)生物接觸實(shí)驗(yàn)的教學(xué)及科研工作。

英國BURKARD公司作為精密實(shí)驗(yàn)室POTTER噴霧塔的主要供應(yīng)商,可以提供英國BURKARD PDE0012型POTTER噴霧塔生測(cè)噴霧塔,儀器設(shè)計(jì)用于 9cm 范圍的循環(huán)噴霧。

英國BURKARD PDE0012型POTTER噴霧塔生測(cè)噴霧塔是一實(shí)驗(yàn)室噴霧設(shè)備,其設(shè)計(jì)功能為向一9cm直徑范圍內(nèi)均勻噴霧。適合于化學(xué)物品的生測(cè)試驗(yàn)研究,可直接噴在生物體或形成殘留膜(或殘余膜),該設(shè)計(jì)融合了Rothmsted試驗(yàn)站,Harpenden, Herts, England等的研究成果,包括:噴霧器的快速拆裝,氣動(dòng)噴霧臺(tái)及所有的空氣控制安裝在控制面板上。噴霧塔安裝有一個(gè)4英寸0-30lb/立方英寸的壓力表。

在使用Potter噴霧塔時(shí)操作者通常會(huì)有一些危害,尤其在大量樣品測(cè)試時(shí)。這時(shí)應(yīng)該將噴霧塔放置于通風(fēng)廚中。為了克服殘留物質(zhì)對(duì)皮膚的傷害,Burkard公司研究出 自動(dòng)型Potter噴霧塔,裝配有氣動(dòng)Petri培養(yǎng)皿送喂裝置。Petri培養(yǎng)皿放置于噴霧臺(tái)上的噴霧管噴霧范圍區(qū)域內(nèi)。通過腳踏開關(guān)或氣栓開關(guān)樣品被吸入到預(yù)先設(shè)定的噴霧點(diǎn)。在給噴嘴實(shí)施氣壓之前完成氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行器的后續(xù)操作。噴霧完成,降低噴霧臺(tái)向前移動(dòng)保證順利移出待測(cè)樣品。


噴霧臺(tái)在氣動(dòng)桿活塞內(nèi)的高度可以調(diào)節(jié),并有四個(gè)可鎖定偏心定位盤定位不同直徑的Petri 培養(yǎng)皿和其他容器,調(diào)節(jié)噴霧臺(tái)水平,并調(diào)節(jié)氣動(dòng)桿和制動(dòng)器支撐鉗。

Potter噴霧塔配有兩個(gè)噴嘴,可產(chǎn)生中等霧滴及極小霧滴。精密噴嘴出廠時(shí)通過預(yù)設(shè),通過恒定的25-35psi (1.7-2.1bar)空氣輸入,保證均勻的霧滴分散。

用戶需要在當(dāng)?shù)嘏渲靡慌_(tái)空氣壓縮機(jī)(一般試驗(yàn)室常用型, 0-15psi )。











Product Description

Suitable for studying the biological effects of chemicals both when applied as a direct spray on the organisms or as a residual film. This design incorporates more recent developments from Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts, England, including the following: quickly detachable atomisers pneumatically operated spray table and all air controls mounted on attached instrument panels. A 0-2 kg/cm2 pressure gauge is fitted as standard equipment.

Construction and Equipment Details

  • Frame: Manufactured from extruded Aluminium Alloy section in pleasing self colour finish of light and durable construction.
  • Spray Table: Precision made Aluminium Alloy spinning with high finish internally and matt external surfaces, positioned centrally by three screws mounted on the intermediate platform.
  • Nozzles: Units supplied in pairs as standard equipment for Intermediate and Final spraying. Manufactured to close tolerance giving an accurate spray formation, with stainless steel jet and pick-up tube. Fully adjustable assembly for level and centralising over the spray tube.
  • Spray Table: Adjustable for height within the piston of the air cylinder and fitted with eccentrics to the test platform for positioning the specimen dish beneath the spray tube.
  • Air Pressure: Constant supply of 1.5 – 2 kg/cm2 through the input connection controlled by an on/off switch and exhaust valve. Fine adjustment is made by a sensitive needle valve on the left hand side of the instrument giving direct reading on the pressure gauge, or manometer (which is supplied as an extra). This pressure operates the air jack and nozzle head simultaneously.
  • Manometer: Provision is made at the rear of the instrument to accommodate the use of a manometer if required. Level Four screwed feet in the base of the instrument provides easy levelling in conjunction with the spirit level on the intermediate platform.

Extra Equipment

  • Manometer
  • Portable Air Compressor complete with couplings and pressure valves
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