
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:Multi-stage liquid impinger多級(jí)液體撞擊器

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  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:英國BURKARD
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Multi-stage liquid impinger多級(jí)液體撞擊器

Multi-stage liquid impinger多級(jí)液體撞擊器

Product Description

Since 1966 bacteriologists have come to respect the May impingers for the separation of particles according to their deposition sites in the respiratory system. The fractions are collected gently into liquid where clumps separate into viable units. There is little danger of sample overload and sub-samples permit the use of a variety of culture methods.

The original designs involved complex glass blowing, were difficult to clean and to reproduce accurately. The 20 l/min size is designed to produce particle fractions (> 10 μm, 10-4 μm, < 4 μm) that are closest to those likely to be agreed as international standards.

The Burkard version closely follows May’s intermediate (20 l/min) size, accurately produced in anodised aluminium alloy (or stainless steel). Airtightness is ensured by vertical compression, releasing this allows the sampler to be dismantled for removal of the catch, and for cleaning. It can then be fitted and re-assembled before heat sterilisation and operation. The flow is controlled by a critical orifice built into the third stage. To ensure this accurate flow the vacuum pump must be capable of maintaining a pressure difference of at least 180 mm (7inches) of mercury. A ‘stagnation-point shield’ is provided to improve aspiration efficiency in moving air. To maintain the designed depth of collection fluid in the machined chambers it is recommended that 6 ml be added to each stage. (Not 4 ml as originally described).

Additional information

Overall height

145 mm

Overall length

115 mm

Overall width

100 mm

Nett weight

670 g

Vacuum hose

6 mm bore

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